Publication Fee Processing

Learn how Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager can integrate fee processing within workflows using RightsLink(r) for Open Access from the Copyright Clearance Center. New functionality allows for the streamlined collection of all workflow fees including open access article processing charges, page and color charges, and reprint order fees.

Member Discounts for Author Publication Fees

Learn how Editorial Manager and Production Manager systems allow journal offices to configure custom questions that can identify membership status, and member number, and be used to trigger discounts on author fees within RightsLink(R) for Open Access from the Copyright Clearance Center.

Exporting Data for Publons Reviewer Recognition Service

Recognition for reviewers is becoming increasingly critical in the scholarly publishing community. This video highlights how to create a standard report in Editorial Manager to automatically extract and send data to third party Reviewer Recognition services.

Uploading Supplemental Data from Repositories

Editorial Manager empowers authors to submit all supporting materials to journals along with their manuscripts. This means that links to data stored on institutional repositories or on sites like Figshare and Dryad can be included in submission, and built right in to the PDF seen by the journal office, and ultimately, reviewers.

Author Contributor Roles via CRediT Taxonomy

Editorial Manager’s integration with the CRediT taxonomy allows Authors to classify levels of contribution and participation for each corresponding Author on a particular manuscript.

Ringgold Institutional Name Normalization

Adopting standards has become increasingly necessary within scholarly publishing workflows. Ringgold’s database of normalized institutional names and corresponding IDs is integrated with Editorial Manager for consistent metadata.

Similarity Check for Authors

Similarity Check (formerly known as CrossCheck) was first integrated in 2009 and is an excellent tool for reviewers and editors to assess the risk of similarity or plagiarism. Aries has added the journal-configured option for authors to view the Similarity Check report for their manuscript. When viewing a submitted manuscript, the author is presented withRead More

Publication Fee Processing with RightsLink

Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager are integrated with CCC’s RightsLink for Scientific Communications for the automatic estimation, collection, and management of publication and open access charges.

Automated Reference Check

Editorial Manager’s Reference Check automatically validates and formats submitted bibliographic references via an integration with Inera’s eXtyles.