Prophy Referee Finder

Prophy’s Referee Finder tool is integrated with Editorial Manager to offer journals an AI-based Reviewer search and matching service

Find Reviewers using Scopus

Through the seamless EM and Find Reviewers using Scopus integration, leverage in-depth researcher insights to identify suitable Reviewers, ensuring a streamlined, impartial, and confident selection

The Aries Ecosystem

Comprised of both Aries and third-party technology that plug into Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager®, the Aries ecosystem connects users with best-in-class tools and services – all in one place.

ORCID Reviewer Recognition

Journals can conveniently acknowledge Reviewers for their peer review contributions by depositing review activity from EM into a researcher’s ORCID record.

Transferring Manuscripts from Preprint Servers into EM

After submitting their manuscript online to a preprint server, Authors often want to submit their manuscript to journal offices for formal peer review and publication. Scholarly journals can ingest manuscripts posted to preprint servers into Editorial Manager.

Customizing Instructional Text for Authors

EM’s extensive configuration options allow publications to customize content for an improved Author experience. This can include messages, reminders, instructions, information on third party Author services, and more.