Meet the Aries Team: Jackee Fitzgerald, Product Manager

Tell us a little about yourself – how long have you been working for Aries? What did you do before joining Aries?

I have been with Aries for nearly three years now as a Product Manager. I began my career in newswriting before moving into product management for a healthcare publisher, each of which offered me a foundation for providing Editorial Manager (EM) users with a best-in-class publishing experience.

How have your previous roles helped you in your current position?

Prior to joining Aries, I worked in editorial and product management roles. I believe these experiences allow me to view EM from the perspective of a writer or Editor while applying practical skills that I have learned managing products in the past. Working for Aries allows me to combine my longtime passion for the publishing industry while furthering my knowledge of the product management field.

How do you stay informed with customer needs and industry trends?

Getting involved in EM user group meetings early in my career with Aries and each year thereafter has helped me better connect with our users and understand the everyday ways in which they interact with our systems. Having face-to-face time with users has proven invaluable to understanding their EM use cases, professional roles, and distinct personalities. EMUG is also a great opportunity to become acquainted with team members from other departments as we collaborate on ways to better serve our audience.

In addition to providing opportunities to interact with customers, my role at Aries has given me the opportunity to participate in several professional development programs. These programs helped me think about my long- and short-term goals in product management while honing my current skills and meeting colleagues from across the world who work in a variety of impactful roles.

Tell me about your department and the people you work most closely with.

My peers in the Aries Product Management team are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. They’re always willing to review feature proposals and pose thoughtful questions that help me explore new avenues for product delivery. EM is a robust product offering so it is important to have peers with historical knowledge of EM to bounce ideas off.                 

I started my role at Aries before ever visiting the office or meeting the team in person, wondering how I could build connections with so many new people in a remote environment. I was pleasantly surprised that many members of the team were quick to invite me to lunch, schedule time to chat, and make me feel welcome right away.

How do you collaborate with other departments within Aries?

As a Product Manager on an Agile development squad, I most often collaborate with our Engineering department. Much like my Product Management peers, I found that Engineering team members within my squad and beyond were quick to lend a hand when I was learning the ropes. The Agile squad I am part of meets daily to discuss everything from project updates to life updates. Being part of this squad has taught me a great deal about the importance of teamwork and open communication. 

Beyond Engineering, I often collaborate with the Client Services (CS) team to ideate feature requests for EM users and troubleshoot bugs that impact user workflow. Working with our Client Services team offers me additional insight into user needs.

Describe your typical workday.

Each workday is a bit different aside from daily check-ins and capacity planning for the squad that I am on. Some days, I am collaborating with Product Management peers to plan quarterly projects and OKRs. Others, I am working with Client Services to address customer queries or discuss the impact that new features will have on customers. In between meetings and daily tasks, I am often refining project plans, researching EM enhancements, and exploring programs or courses that can help refine my skills.

What do you most enjoy about your job? What do you enjoy most about working for Aries?

One of the best aspects of my job is the people. If I have a question or concern, someone is always there to offer guidance and expertise. I also like that no two days are the same. I never feel as if I am stuck in a loop of doing the same work or looking at the same ideas. Every day is different from the next, which keeps things fresh and helps keep me curious.         

What are you currently reading, listening to, or watching?

I’m big into watching documentaries and reading books that are based on true stories. Real life is always a bit stranger than fiction, which fascinates me. I’m always interested in a good documentary or book recommendation. Outside of work, I’m listening to the latest Charli XCX album on repeat to prepare for seeing her on tour. But while I’m working, I love listening to my collection of classic rock records—they keep me focused while also giving me a good excuse to take a break from my desk when I need to turn the record over to the B side.

Tell me about some of your hobbies/interests outside of work.

Outside of work, you’ll usually find me at the gym. I am big into powerlifting and completed my second local competition early this year. I spent most of my summer going to concerts, camping in the White Mountains, and doing day trips in Boston. I have a Pug named Edie and absolutely adore any opportunity to take her out for adventures.