Two helpful features included in version 14.0
Editorial offices, take notice! Editorial Manager, version 14.0 includes a couple of especially exciting features that will help journals guide editors to work more efficiently in the system.
Editorial offices, take notice! Editorial Manager, version 14.0 includes a couple of especially exciting features that will help journals guide editors to work more efficiently in the system.
Implementing and growing Open Access Publishing programs represents alternative publishing options for authors, and new revenue streams for publishers. For this reason, the OA market was recently estimated to be growing at 10-15% annually, representing between three and six percent of the total journals market.
You may have heard that Editorial Manager journals, such as PLOS and BioMedCentral, are receiving submissions transferred from the preprint server BioRxiv. Watch this new video to see how the integration works, saving time for authors.
Aries is among the peer review systems providers collaborating to create a common approach to interoperability that could have major workflow and ecosystem benefits if adopted widely.
Editorial Manager’s journal and book deployments have the functionality publishers need to support requiring ORCID iDs from authors and other workflow participants.
Thank you to all those who joined us in London on January 12th-13th for the 13th Annual EEMUG. We are grateful to the many attendees and presenters who made the event a success. At EMUG 2016 in Boston, the Feature Workshop session participants produced a list of ‘wish list’ EM features. EEMUG attendees were greetedRead More
Editorial Manager for Books is a great solution for controlling and growing books publishing programs, and now is an excellent time to learn more about how it works. Head to our video library to see our latest videos, including those focused on EM for Books. [tubepress video=”199833165″] [tubepress video=”195343474″]
Director of Product Management Tony Alves was featured in the December/January issue of ISMTE’s EON.
His article, Internet Security Concerns in Scholarly Publishing, presents an overview of online security issues facing publishers and Editorial Offices, and explains some of the ways in which Aries handles such concerns. Read the full article to learn more.
Dr. Simon Kerridge, Director of Research Services at the University of Kent and vice-chair of CASRAI, will keynote the European User Group Meeting (EEMUG). Simon has over 20 years’ experience in research management and administration and holds a doctorate in electronic research administration.
Good news for authors submitting their manuscripts to journals using Editorial Manager–Editage will now offer its editing services at discounted rates to authors submitting manuscripts through EM. In addition, authors will have complete access to publishing resources on the author education portal, Editage Insights, at no cost. Journal administrators can use existing EM functionality to customizeRead More
Editorial Manager’s integration with RightsLink for Open Access allows journals to automate the collection and management of APCs and other publication fees.
Did you know it only takes a few minutes to activate a new journal with Editorial Manager? In fact, most new journals can simply be “cloned” from existing template journals. Settings such as workflow, article types, reviewer forms, and submission questions will be automatically copied to the new journal and can be reconfigured quickly and easily by journal office staff.
Watch the short new video “Launching a New Journal” to see the process explained further.