Nominate your standout colleague for a 2018 ISMTE Award
Do you have a colleague who exhibits innovative insight or a penchant for problem solving?
Do you have a colleague who exhibits innovative insight or a penchant for problem solving?
Sincere thanks to the record number of industry professionals who participated in EEMUG 2018 last month! If you missed it, catch up on the useful presentations from the meeting.
To support continued growth, Aries completed an office move earlier this year!
There is much buzz around the Journal Article Tag Suite, also known as JATS. Most recently, a Scholarly Kitchen article shed light on JATS4R, a working group that seeks to optimize reusability of JATS tagged content.
Editorial Manager functionality was recently mentioned on the ISMTE listserv.
Did you know that Aries offers all journals using Editorial Manager free integration with numerous authoring tools and services (Overleaf, Editage & others) as well as preprint servers such as bioRxiv.
Like many world-scale Web presences (Amazon, Google, etc.), the Editorial Manager (EM) system is built around Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) – why is this so important?
Several recent incidents of peer review fraud have involved the use of author-suggested reviewers.
We asked about 130 attendees of the 2017 Editorial Manager User Group meeting — to tell us what makes them smile. If this sounds familiar, it’s because we tasked our 2017 European Editorial Manager User group meeting attendees with something similar.
Medicine® journal from Wolters Kluwer’s Lippincott portfolio successfully transitioned from a subscription-based business model to Open Access (OA) on March 31, 2014. The journal has received over 4,000 submissions thus far in 2017, with a percentage of these being transferred to Medicine® from other WK journals. Since transitioning to OA, the journal has received overRead More
The cross-organizational industry initiative previously called Common Manuscript Transfer Protocol has been officially named MECA, which stands for Manuscript Exchange Common Approach.
Spring conference season highlights the importance of partnerships. Between STM, CSE and SSP, this spring collaboration has been on full display. The message is clear – results are better when stakeholders work together.