Research Integrity

Defense Against the Reproducibility Crisis: Automated Methods Review with SciScore

With unintentional errors/under-specification from untrained researchers, sophisticated fraud techniques led by bad actors, and pressure on researchers from the “publish or perish” career advancement culture – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical and challenging. Fueling the “reproducibility crisis”, poorly controlled or documented studies negatively impact the quality of research and canRead More

Combatting the Paper Mill Phenomenon: Connecting Editors with Automated Fraud Detection

In recent years, academic publishing has faced an insidious threat: the rise of paper mills. Paper mills – organizations or individuals that produce, facilitate, and profit off research fraud – come in various forms. These include papers that describe false research, papers that describe real (plagiarized) research but with sold authorship, and the manipulation ofRead More

EMUG 2024 Discovery Digest Part 4: Signals for Research and Editorial Integrity Investigations

With advancements in technology, the introduction of flexible business models, and the emergence of various fraud phenomena led by bad actors – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical or more challenging. As scholarly journals continue to receive an ever-increasing influx of submissions, the more difficult it is for editorial teams toRead More

Integrity in Peer Review: Inviting Reviewers with Confidence though Scopus

In a world marked by plagiarism, citation and data fabrication/manipulation, conflicts of interest, reproducibility concerns, fraudulent peer review, questionable authorship and other challenges – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical and more complex. Frequent corrections, retractions, or cases of unethical practices are not only damaging to the reputation of the journal,Read More

Detect Anomalies in Blot Images: Techniques Offered by STM Image Manipulation Working Group

The STM Working Group on Image Alteration and Duplication Detection has recently released a video tutorial detailing manual techniques for detecting and verifying common aberrations in blot images. Examples shown are Western blots or immunoblots, but the screening techniques can translate for Northern and Southern blots, as well as agarose (DNA/RNA) gels. This video isRead More

STM Image Manipulation/Duplication Detection Working Group Makes Strides Towards Research Integrity

Damaging to the integrity of published research, alteration and duplication of research images and figures is an increasingly common challenge faced by the scholarly community. It directly introduces risks to the validity of the research results/claims, to the reputation of the journal or Authors, to the quality of published works, of time and money spentRead More

PRW 2022: Technical Solutions to Strengthen Trust and Integrity in Scholarly Research

In addition to advancements in digital workflows and the emergence of flexible business models, the scholarly publishing landscape also experiences increasing ethical challenges. With skepticism and distrust in global research on the rise, publishers are looking for opportunities to optimize their workflows and policies to further support efficiency and credibility. Many innovations within the AriesRead More

Free Webinar: Measuring Research Quality, Professionalism, and Reproducibility in the Editorial Workflow

Authors and Editors spend thousands of hours annually preparing scholarly manuscripts and vetting  submitted research, respectively. With this comes an increasing need to enhance the quality of their content without introducing additional tedious and time-consuming manual work. To streamline this process and support trustworthy research, Aries Systems and Ripeta have partnered to integrate ripetaReview, anRead More

Free Webinar: Practicing Ethical Publishing to Support Research Integrity

In a world of plagiarism, citation and data manipulation, conflicts of interest, corrections and retractions, fraudulent peer review, questionable authorship, shifting business models, preprint servers, and more, integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical or more challenging. All stakeholders across the multi-faceted publishing landscape have a role to play in supporting this missionRead More

Trust in Peer Review: Editor Decision Support Tools

Aries Systems is celebrating Peer Review Week’s (PRW) 6th annual event! In a year clouded by so much uncertainty, distrust, skepticism and confusion, building trust has never been as critical as it is today, in the publishing landscape and beyond. From predatory journals, to fraudulent peer review, plagiarism, reproducibility concerns and more, the research communityRead More