
EMUG 2022: Another Successful User Group Meeting in the Books!

That’s a wrap on the 2022 virtual Editorial Manager User Group (EMUG) meeting! Aries’ three-day event, held on June 14-16th, provided Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® users with valuable insights into existing and upcoming features and functionality designed to enhance their workflow. Each day of EMUG 2022 embodied a unique theme and was offered freeRead More

Introducing the Aries Ecosystem

The Aries Partner Program As a trusted partner, Aries recognizes that collaboration is critical to the advancement of scholarly research and successful dissemination of knowledge. We form strategic partnerships with industry organizations to support relevant societies and initiatives, strengthen ties to our user community, and enrich our offerings. The Aries Partner Program consists of twoRead More

How CCC and Aries Collaborate to Streamline and Improve OA Workflows for Authors

Written by: Emilie Delquié, Director of Rightsholder Relations and Global Alliances, CCC Aimee DesRoches, Marketing Manager, Aries Systems   The transition to Open Access (OA) business models and subsequent funding mandates have introduced many challenges for publishers, including an additional level of complexity to their publishing workflows. One significant outcome of these new mandates wasRead More

Register for EMUG 2022 Virtual Meeting

Aries Systems is pleased to announce that registration for our 2022 virtual Editorial Manager User Group (EMUG) meeting is now open! Webinar-style sessions, which will be held from June 14-16th from 9:30am-11:30am ET daily, will highlight helpful Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® functionality, spotlight partner integrations, and feature publisher use cases and guest panelists. AttendeesRead More

CRediT Taxonomy Published as ANSI/NISO Standard

Alongside the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recently announced its publication of CRediT as an official ANSI/NISO standard, Z39.104-2022. A Standing Committee and Community of Interest Group will be established by NISO to continue promote the taxonomy, keep it current for the industry’s needs, and encourage community participation andRead More

Automating Research COI Disclosures in Editorial Workflow

Conflicts of interest (COIs) arise in scholarly publishing when Authors, Editors, or Reviewers have competing interests that can risk professional and ethical judgment. These conditions include potential financial, legal, commercial, or relationship interests with involved individuals or organizations. It is critical for Authors to disclose conflicts-of-interest prior to peer review to maintain research integrity andRead More

Aries Systems Continues Support for the OA Switchboard

The OA Switchboard, an initiative by the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), is a not-for-profit, industry-wide collaboration that aims to serve as an intermediary between the complexities of multi-lateral Open Access (OA) publication-level arrangements by functioning as a central information exchange hub. The OA Switchboard strives to enable the seamless sending and receiving ofRead More

Crediting Reviewers with Peer Review Recognition Services in EM

Recognizing Reviewers for their work is critical to the success of peer review and maintaining Reviewer talent. Each year, millions of hours are volunteered by researchers to conduct reviews for scholarly journals and pending manuscripts, often without formal acknowledgement for their time and effort. To bridge this gap, Aries Systems has partnered with several ReviewerRead More

FBF 2020: The Future of Science and the Path to Digital Transformations Starts with Researchers

The 2020 Frankfurt Book Fair will be held on October 14-18, with the digital program starting earlier on October 12th. With a hybrid of on-site and virtual events, FBF 2020 is packed with a diverse set of sessions, attractions and exhibitions for all audiences throughout the week. Aries Systems Director of Product Management Tony AlvesRead More

Free Webinar: Engaging Authors in China through the Charlesworth WeChat Gateway and Aries’ Editorial Manager®

Join Aries Systems and The Charlesworth Group for their upcoming joint webinar, Engaging Authors in China through the Charlesworth WeChat Gateway and Aries’ Editorial Manager. To accommodate our global customer-base, we will be broadcasting this presentation during two different times. Register for either our morning or afternoon session! Save the Date: Tuesday, August 18 TimeRead More

OA Week 2019: Efficient APC Processing Option with RightsLink® and EM/PM

With an increase in open access (OA) publishing in recent years, publishers may need to adjust their standard operations to properly manage this new business model and Article Processing Charges (APCs) revenue stream. In celebration of Open Access Week 2019, we’d like to highlight Aries’ decade long partnership with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) dedicated toRead More

Q&A with PLOS: Implementing ORCID Reviewer Recognition

Aries and ORCID have partnered to integrate an ORCID Reviewer Recognition option within Editorial Manager. Via automatic deposit of peer review activity to a researcher’s ORCID record, this solution offers a visible and verifiable way for Reviewers to be publicly acknowledged for their volunteered contributions without compromising the confidentiality of the peer review process. KatRead More