Editorial Workflows

Instructions for Reviewers: Using ORCID Peer Review Deposit to Gain Credit for Completed Reviews

Researchers volunteer millions of hours to conduct reviews for scholarly journals each year. ORCID Reviewer Recognition offers a chance for Reviewers to be acknowledged for their contributions. The ORCID integration in Editorial Manager provides a visible and verifiable way for journals to publicly credit Reviewers for their work, without compromising the confidentiality of the peerRead More

Similarity Check: Helping Editors with Automated Plagiarism Detection in Editorial Manager

Ensuring manuscript authenticity is crucial for Editors and journal staff. For this reason, Aries Systems has partnered with Crossref to integrate Similarity Check with Editorial Manager® (EM). Similarity Check is powered by iThenticate, a plagiarism detection tool that compares text from submitted manuscripts to information on the Internet and content from more than 40 millionRead More

Saving Author and Reviewer Time with Transfer Options

Upon manuscript rejection, Authors often must duplicate the submission process on one or more subsequent journals. Additionally, Reviewers often face the issue of repeating reviews for the same content if re-selected again. Both contribute to a great loss of time and effort for researchers, deceasing user satisfaction and reducing the likelihood (and willingness) to resubmitRead More

Efficient Technologies: Our Favorite Aries Innovations

Aries Systems is committed to continued innovation and process improvements in order to maintain our standard of delivering excellence. Our workflow management systems, Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM), are frequently enhanced with numerous new software releases each year. To ensure our solutions meet customer needs, incorporate industry trends, adhere to technical standards, andRead More

Watch Now: Task Manager for Editorial Tasks

Recently released Task Manager, a new Editorial Manager (EM) feature, allows publications to manage, assign, and complete editorial tasks without initiating production. Key tasks include language edits, artwork quality check, copyright check, conflict of interest deposit, preprint server deposit, and more! Task Manager can streamline workflow with automated task assignment based on configured tigger points.Read More