Editorial Workflows

Reporting Across Data Sources: Types of Joins

It is critical for publishers to have access to performance metrics to make informed, evidence-based editorial decisions. Aries’ workflow management solutions, Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM), come equipped with a robust Enterprise Analytics Reporting (EAR) suite that allows publishers to quickly surface key publication data. Within EAR, data is stored across dozens ofRead More

Microbiology Society Partners with Aries and other Technology Providers to Build an Open Research Platform

The Microbiology Society, a membership charity dedicated to shaping the future of microbe research and communications, has recently relaunched their Access Microbiology journal as an open research platform. The journal, originally launched in 2018, supports the publication of replication studies, negative or null results, research proposals, data management plans, additions to established methods, case reports,Read More

PRW 2022: Technical Solutions to Strengthen Trust and Integrity in Scholarly Research

In addition to advancements in digital workflows and the emergence of flexible business models, the scholarly publishing landscape also experiences increasing ethical challenges. With skepticism and distrust in global research on the rise, publishers are looking for opportunities to optimize their workflows and policies to further support efficiency and credibility. Many innovations within the AriesRead More

Free Webinar: Measuring Research Quality, Professionalism, and Reproducibility in the Editorial Workflow

Authors and Editors spend thousands of hours annually preparing scholarly manuscripts and vetting  submitted research, respectively. With this comes an increasing need to enhance the quality of their content without introducing additional tedious and time-consuming manual work. To streamline this process and support trustworthy research, Aries Systems and Ripeta have partnered to integrate ripetaReview, anRead More

Free Webinar: Practicing Ethical Publishing to Support Research Integrity

In a world of plagiarism, citation and data manipulation, conflicts of interest, corrections and retractions, fraudulent peer review, questionable authorship, shifting business models, preprint servers, and more, integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical or more challenging. All stakeholders across the multi-faceted publishing landscape have a role to play in supporting this missionRead More

Proactive Solicitation of ORCID iDs to Increase Adoption within Scholarly Publishing

ORCID is an independent, not-for-profit organization that issues unique digital identifiers for scholarly researchers. Successfully adopted by research funders, research institutions, publishers, and other scholarly organizations and systems, ORCID has partnered with Aries to integrate ORCID validation within Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM). Capturing users’ ORCID iDs within EM and PM offers manyRead More

Advanced Editorial Reporting with Editorial Manager and PaperStack

WRITTEN BY: Nick Andrews, Managing Director, DataSalon Aimee DesRoches, Marketing Manager, Aries Systems It is critical for publishers to have access to important data and performance metrics for their publications to make informed, strategic editorial decisions. To support this need, Aries Systems offers several robust tools through the Reporting & Tracking branch of their expansiveRead More

Introducing the Aries Ecosystem

The Aries Partner Program As a trusted partner, Aries recognizes that collaboration is critical to the advancement of scholarly research and successful dissemination of knowledge. We form strategic partnerships with industry organizations to support relevant societies and initiatives, strengthen ties to our user community, and enrich our offerings. The Aries Partner Program consists of twoRead More

How CCC and Aries Collaborate to Streamline and Improve OA Workflows for Authors

Written by: Emilie Delquié, Director of Rightsholder Relations and Global Alliances, CCC Aimee DesRoches, Marketing Manager, Aries Systems   The transition to Open Access (OA) business models and subsequent funding mandates have introduced many challenges for publishers, including an additional level of complexity to their publishing workflows. One significant outcome of these new mandates wasRead More

Aries at SSP 2022: “Back to the Future” of Digital-First Publishing

The Society for Scholarly Publishing’s (SSP) 44th annual meeting will be held in Chicago, IL from June 1-3, 2022. Aries Systems is a proud sponsor of SSP 2022, whose theme “Building a More Connected Scholarly Community” welcomes attendees back for the first in-person meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic to reconnect society and commercial publishers, researchRead More

Addressing the Impact of OA to the Submission Experience with ChronosHub

The publishing landscape has experienced tremendous shifts in response to evolving Open Access (OA) agreements and business models over recent years. As OA practices introduce both advantages and disadvantages to scholarly publishing and research output, it is critical to observe and measure it’s impact across all facets of the publishing workflow. In particular, there areRead More

CRediT Taxonomy Published as ANSI/NISO Standard

Alongside the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) recently announced its publication of CRediT as an official ANSI/NISO standard, Z39.104-2022. A Standing Committee and Community of Interest Group will be established by NISO to continue promote the taxonomy, keep it current for the industry’s needs, and encourage community participation andRead More