Editorial Workflows

Free Webinar: Streamline Reviewer Invitation with Scopus’ Advanced Search Solution

Identifying and attaining suitable Reviewers is a common strain for publications as their internal and external databases of candidates are often static, stale, inflexible, and overused. In addition to limited coverage, publications also experience a lack of diversity, visibility into key information on potential candidates, and measured to counter fraud, bias, or conflicts of interests.Read More

Free Webinar: Redefining the Article and Author Journey with ChronosHub

The scholarly publishing landscape is characterized by continuous innovation and progression to facilitate and enhance the dissemination of global research. In the early 2000s, the transition from physical, mail-based publishing operations to digital workflows through the introduction of email and online peer review systems revolutionized the industry. With increased adoption of hybrid and open accessRead More

End-to-End Solution: Bridging Editorial and Production Workflows

As publishing workflows become increasingly complex to keep pace with various publication formats, leading business models, and internationalization, it is even more critical to maintain efficient, yet flexible operations.  Publishers often shuffle content, data, and communications between key stakeholders across incompatible and disparate systems. These gaps can lead to confusion, loss of data, increased costs,Read More

The Aries Ecosystem: Connecting Publishers with the Right Technology

Editorial offices face many challenges, including managing an increase in submission volume beyond their capacity, locating qualified researchers for peer review, maximizing reach and impact of published works on a global scale, making data more accessible, implementing various business models (such as Open Access (OA)), ensuring accuracy and reproducibility of metadata and research, and more.Read More

Effective Communication: Leveraging Merge Fields in Letters

Publishers are responsible for sending hundreds of notices to their Authors, Editors, Reviewers, freelancers, and vendors on a regular basis. Whether it is a manuscript status update, peer review invitation, automated reminder, revision request, or transfer notice, generating clear and effective communication across stakeholders is critical during the editorial and production process. In addition toRead More

Strengthening Scholarly Metadata with Persistent Identifiers

The scholarly publishing ecosystem consists of many different dimensions, including people, organizations/societies, publications, and the resources directly involved in the making of research. With so many elements in play, it is difficult to disambiguate all the individual data contributors tied to a specific research article as it goes through the publishing process. This can introduceRead More

STM Image Manipulation/Duplication Detection Working Group Makes Strides Towards Research Integrity

Damaging to the integrity of published research, alteration and duplication of research images and figures is an increasingly common challenge faced by the scholarly community. It directly introduces risks to the validity of the research results/claims, to the reputation of the journal or Authors, to the quality of published works, of time and money spentRead More

Redesigned Reviewer Selection Summary to Streamline Invitation Workflow

Aries Systems’ multi-year, multi-phase user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) redesign initiative for Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM) is driven by user feedback and our commitment to delivering best-in-class workflow management solutions. Aries is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a redesigned Reviewer Selection Summary page within EM. Updates to theRead More

Enhanced Manuscript Data Transfer and Export with MECA 2.0

The Manuscript Exchange Common Approach (MECA) initiative is a cross-organizational effort that strives to facilitate and standardize multiple types of manuscript exchange within and between platforms, including preprint servers, peer review management solutions, Author applications, and production tracking services. Led by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), MECA was published as a formal Recommended PracticeRead More

iThenticate Version 2: Upgrade to Enhance Similarity Check Plagiarism Detection!

Ensuring the authenticity of submitted scholarly content is crucial for publications looking to maintain research integrity. To support this, Aries Systems has partnered with Crossref to integrate Similarity Check, a plagiarism detection tool, within Editorial Manager® (EM). Powered by iThenticate, Similarity Check automatically compares text from submitted manuscripts to information across 99.3 billion internet webpages and content from moreRead More

Recent Enhancements to System Help to Better Support our User Community

To support users across all roles, Editorial Manager® (EM) and ProduXion Manager® (PM) comes equipped with a knowledge-packed Help system. The Help platform is comprised of a series of detailed guide articles designed to answer general questions on EM/PM functionality and configurations. Regularly maintained to include the most updated information, the EM Help system isRead More

Streamline Editor Assignment Workflow

To support publishers both large and small with varying business models, policies, and resources, Editorial Manager® (EM) offers several different options for efficient Editor assignment for new or revised submissions. Publications can choose one or more of the following Editor assignment methods depending on their unique workflow preferences: Individual Assignment Batch Assignment Chain Assignment AssignmentRead More