Editorial Workflows

Streamline the Publishing Workflow by Completing Key Editorial Tasks Prior to Production

The publishing process sometimes includes expensive and time-consuming bottlenecks, such as lengthy peer review turnaround times, numerous Author revisions, and manual technical checks. Therefore, it is critical to streamline operations wherever possible to save time and reduce costs while maintaining content quality. Traditionally, scholarly journals conduct various tasks required for publication during production – oftenRead More

Expand and Diversify Your Reviewer Search through Scopus

Scholarly journals are increasingly relying on external databases to locate peer review candidates as their legacy methods become stale, such as their overburdened Reviewer pool. These channels, which are frequently reused but rarely refreshed, also often lack diverse representation geographically, by age, gender, and discipline. This results in increased likelihood of mis-matched manuscript alignment toRead More

Prioritize Manuscripts and Outstanding Editorial Tasks with Editor Signposting

With millions of articles processed through Editorial Manager® (EM), it is critical for editorial staff to stay organized and informed on their assigned submissions to ensure tasks are completed and delays to publication are minimized. To support this, Editorial Manager comes equipped with a signposting feature that uses color-coded indicators on the Editor Main MenuRead More

Taking Advantage of Early Editor Decision

With an increasing influx of submissions every year, journals often struggle to manage the high volume against their current Editor capacity. Additionally, many manuscripts do not meet the journal’s quality standards, criteria, or scope. This makes proactive and swift decisions upfront necessary to ensure resources are dedicated to submissions most suitable for peer review. AsRead More

Integrity in Peer Review: Inviting Reviewers with Confidence though Scopus

In a world marked by plagiarism, citation and data fabrication/manipulation, conflicts of interest, reproducibility concerns, fraudulent peer review, questionable authorship and other challenges – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical and more complex. Frequent corrections, retractions, or cases of unethical practices are not only damaging to the reputation of the journal,Read More

Promote Publisher Brand Identity at ORCID Workflow Points

ORCID – the Open Research and Contributor ID – is an independent, not-for-profit organization that issues unique, persistent digital identifiers for scholarly researchers. This enables transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributors, and their affiliations as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation. More than nine million ORCID iDs have been issued, and hasRead More

CSE Connect Recap: What Editorial Workflow System Providers Wish Publishers Knew

Aries Systems is dedicated to supporting the scholarly publishing community by delivering robust, flexible editorial and production workflow management solutions. As best practices evolve, new business models are introduced, and workflows become more complex, it is critical for technology providers and publishers to remain aligned. To best serve our clients, service providers strive to effectivelyRead More

Invited Publishing Workflows: Soliciting Content from Authors

In addition to the traditional unsolicited manuscript submission strategy, some journals are also structured to invite Authors to submit content – either as their primary business model or occasionally for specific purposes. Instances include if the journal is seeking a specific asset type, such as video content, or if the journal is interested in producingRead More

OA Week 2023: Community AND Commercialization Through Collaboration

Organized by SPARC, Open Access Week is an annual global event that offers an opportunity for the academic and research community to explore potential benefits of Open Access (OA) in an effort to raise awareness and adoption of its philosophy. OA Week 2023, held October 23-27, is dedicated to the theme “Community over Commercialization,” whichRead More

Aries Systems’ Editorial Manager the Latest Inducted into ORCID’s Certified Service Provider Program

ORCID – the Open Research and Contributor ID – enables transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributors, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent digital identifier and a corresponding record for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation. After over a decade, Aries Systems’ long-standing partnership with ORCID hasRead More

Transform Reviewer Search and Screening in EM with Find Reviewers using Scopus

Publications use a variety of different channels to source candidates for peer review. These include recommendations from submitting Authors, database searches, the journal’s pool of Reviewers, or even the Editor’s personal network of researchers. Despite this, it is a common challenge to locate and secure qualified and available Reviewers for pending manuscripts. Not only areRead More

Standard and Emerging Models of Peer Review Defined

Rigorous and impartial peer review is critical to upholding integrity and quality standards in scholarly research and is an integral part of the publishing process. While early forms of peer review began in Europe as far back as the 17th century, it only became more pronounced in the mid-to-late 20th century in which the termRead More