Editorial Workflows

Communicate with Authors in China via the Charlesworth WeChat Gateway EM Paper Notification Service

Authors are often eager to hear updates on the status of their submitted manuscripts. Traditionally, Authors rely on email notifications from the journal regarding their pending papers or frequently check the status within the online submission system. Although this process is standard, it is important for the scholarly publishing industry to explore ways to optimizeRead More

Defense Against the Reproducibility Crisis: Automated Methods Review with SciScore

With unintentional errors/under-specification from untrained researchers, sophisticated fraud techniques led by bad actors, and pressure on researchers from the “publish or perish” career advancement culture – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical and challenging. Fueling the “reproducibility crisis”, poorly controlled or documented studies negatively impact the quality of research and canRead More

Keeping Peer Review on Track with Automated Reviewer Reminders

It is critical for editorial processes to stay on track to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow while minimizing delays to publication. However, it is often difficult for scholarly journals to secure qualified Reviewers as many invitations go unanswered. Furthermore, Editors must also to juggle managing multiple Reviewers and their deadlines across various submissions onceRead More

Keywords and Classifications: Building Term Hierarchies for Optimized Submission Matches

Identifying qualified Reviewers for incoming submissions is a common challenge for scholarly journals. Additionally, matching a submission to the most appropriate Editor and soliciting potential Authors for special issues can be difficult for journal staff without insights into their unique expertise. This can lead to mismatched submission assignments, confusion, and delays to publication. To helpRead More

Delivering Lasting Value: Why Choose Editorial Manager?

For over 35 years, Aries Systems has believed in the power of information and connectivity, and that bringing these together through best-in-class technology is what drives us forward. Our mission is to help disseminate knowledge on a global scale through our innovative workflow management solutions. Editorial Manager® (EM) is the leading manuscript submission and peerRead More

Combatting the Paper Mill Phenomenon: Connecting Editors with Automated Fraud Detection

In recent years, academic publishing has faced an insidious threat: the rise of paper mills. Paper mills – organizations or individuals that produce, facilitate, and profit off research fraud – come in various forms. These include papers that describe false research, papers that describe real (plagiarized) research but with sold authorship, and the manipulation ofRead More

Transfer Desk: Reduce Editorial Bottlenecks by Facilitating Manuscript Inter-Transfers

Scholarly journals continue to experience a high volume of incoming submissions every year. It is common for Editors to receive submissions that are outside the journal’s scope, but still recognize their value. In these instances, journals reject the manuscript to then transfer it to a more appropriate journal, preferably within the publisher’s portfolio to avoidRead More

End-to-End Solution: Scaling Up Book Publishing

As publishing workflows become increasingly complex and overloaded to keep pace with the latest research and innovations, it is critical to maintain efficient, yet flexible operations. Publishers often shuffle content, data, and communications between key stakeholders across incompatible and disparate systems. As book publishers struggle to juggle multiple projects at once, traditional silos decrease visibilityRead More

Standardized Peer Review Terminology for Consistent and Transparent Alignment in Scholarly Publishing

Becoming a more pronounced practice in the mid-to-late 20th century, peer review remains the “golden standard” of evaluating knowledge. Effective and impartial peer review is essential to supporting quality scholarly research and lies at the core of the publishing process. Through the evolution of technologies, policies, and values overtime, emerging models of peer review haveRead More

EMUG 2024 Discovery Digest Part 4: Signals for Research and Editorial Integrity Investigations

With advancements in technology, the introduction of flexible business models, and the emergence of various fraud phenomena led by bad actors – maintaining integrity in scholarly publishing has never been more critical or more challenging. As scholarly journals continue to receive an ever-increasing influx of submissions, the more difficult it is for editorial teams toRead More

EMUG 2024 Discovery Digest Part 2: Integrating User Support Solutions Across Peer Review and Production Tracking Systems

In a digital world, consumers are accustomed to instant gratification, accessible displays, intuitive user journeys, and immersive experiences as they interact with the various technologies and platforms in their lives. Prioritizing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, responsive design, and user support is imperative to achieving this level of customer satisfaction. In theRead More

EMUG 2024 Discovery Digest Part 1: Optimizing Communication to Drive Engagement in the Publishing Workflow

As a key pillar to any business’s success, the importance of communication cannot be overstated – especially within the ever-evolving scholarly publishing landscape. With so many different players, priorities, and perspectives, it is critical for publishers and societies to optimize communication across global stakeholders to maximize engagement. Ineffective, non-transparent, or outdated communications (and its channels)Read More